love and transportation in the suburbs
I grew up in a suburb
of new york city.
The suburbs were quiet and comfortable; the city was exciting and new. Every friday night I tried to get to that excitement, but every Sunday i was happy to return home.
This series was developed during conversations about the suburbs and the way my ideas of my hometown changed as I stumbled into adulthood.
"we kissed
as the sky fell"
acrylic and ink on canvas
10.5" x 12.5"
"I would like to go home"
acrylic and ink on canvas
10.5" x 12.5"
"don't be surprised if the voice
on the other line isn't mine"
acrylic and ink on canvas
10.5" x 12.5"
"i think i've
been here before"
acrylic and ink on canvas
10.5" x 12.5"
"he said it was his favorite song but
really he just knew it was hers"
acrylic and ink on canvas
10.5" x 12.5"
"remember him to me"
acrylic and ink on a linen handkerchief
10.5" x 12.5"